Enter Topic (radial) View: Click on a Topic result from Search, or click the synapse

icon inside open Topic Card on map
Recenter Topics around chosen Topic: Alt + click on the topic OR Alt + E
Reveal the siblings for a Topic: Right-click and choose 'Reveal siblings' OR Alt + R
Center topic and reveal siblings: Alt + T
Filter out visible Topics: Open Filter menu *** and toggle off/on
Double-click on canvas: Bring up the metacode spinner
Scroll: change metacode spinner selection
Tab: rotate spinner counter-clockwise
Shift + tab: rotate spinner clockwise
Esc: Hides auto-suggestion results
Enter: create a new topic
Gear Icon: open up metacode settings
Open Topic card: Double-click on topic icon
Move Topic card: Click and drag on topic card metacode
Change metacode: Mouse over metacode icon, then click on solid colored bar for metacode menu
Edit Topic title, description, link: Click on text in respective area (click small "X" to reset link)
Save Topic title, description, link: Hit enter, or click away
Change Topic permission: Click on 'Permission' icon (only for topic creator)
Open Topic view: Click on

icon within topic card bar
Close Topic card: Click on canvas
Open 'Context Menu': Right-click/alt+click on topic icon or synapse or selection (multiple) to Hide/Remove/Delete, change metacode or permission
Open 'Create Synapse' prompt: Right-click & drag from one topic to another
Enter a label Begin typing (or leave blank)
Confirm new Synapse: Enter or Tab
Cancel new Synapse: Escape or Delete
Create new Topic with Synapse: Right-click + drag from existing topic to open canvas
Create Topic: Same as elsewhere
Create Synapse: Same as above
Open Synapse card: Double-click on Synapse
Edit Synapse description: Click on current description text
Save Synapse description: Hit enter
Edit directionality: Select appropriate arrow boxes
Change synapse permission: Click on 'permission' icon (only for synapse creator)
Browse / select from multiple (stacked) synapses: Click dropdown icon and select desired synapse
Open 'Context Menu': Right-click/alt-click on Synapse
*Hide/Remove/Delete synapse within context menu
Move around Canvas: Click and drag
Zoom in/out: Scroll OR click on
Zoom to see all: Click
OR Ctrl + E
Filter Map Contents: Open the Filter Menu *** and toggle items off/on
Return to 'Explore Maps' (home) page: Click the Metamaps logo in the upper left corner
Select/Deselect Topic: Click on topic icon
Select/Deselect Synapse: Click on synapse
Select multiple Topics/Synapses: Shift + click to include each
Select multiple with Selection Box: Right-click/Shift-click + drag on Canvas
Move all selected Topics & Synapses: Click + drag on selected topic(s)/synapse(s)
Open 'Context Menu': Right-click/Alt-click on selected topic(s)
*Hide/Remove/Delete/Change permissions of multiple topics & synapses within context menu
Zoom to selection box Ctrl-click + drag
Deselect all topics & Synapses: Click on background or Esc
Search for Topics and Maps: Type query terms into search bar, wait for results below
Limit search results: Click checkbox for only items you created; click arrow above Topics or Maps section to collapse
Add Topic to current Map: Click "+" on a topic result
Jump to Topic View: Click anywhere else on a topic result
Search by metacode: type "[name of metacode]:", then your search query. i.e. idea:create...
Search for map: type "map:", then your search query. i.e. map:exploring...
Search for mapper: type "mapper:", then your search query. i.e. mapper:Robert
Ctrl + /: Open 'Search' prompt
Ctrl + H: Hide selection on map
Ctrl + M: Remove selection from map
Ctrl + D: Delete selection
Ctrl + A: Select all topics
Ctrl + E: See all on map (zoom to extents)
Esc (while in search): Close search
Esc (with selection): Deselect all